I have wanted to set up a blog for a while now so that our family/friends can keep up to date on our lives. Well, let me rephrase that...mainly the kids’ lives! Anyhow, I hope to keep this thing updated, at least, weekly. I’m not much on “blogging” so I will mainly be posting pictures, but, if you’re like me, you would rather look at pictures than read anyways!
Here are a few pictures that I have on my computer at work. For Colin's 3rd birthday (1/14), we took him to Chuck-E-Cheese for the first time. He had a blast and can't wait to go back. We also had a pirate-themed party on the 20th.

Now it's almost time to plan Madelyn's 1st birthday party. Since I made Colin's pirate ship cake, and it turned out very well, I think I'll take on the challenge of making Madelyn's cake. So far, I have it narrowed down to a tiara or castle cake.